Monday, February 18, 2013

10 months

At ten months Cash is into EVERYTHING! He opens every cupboard and promptly empties it- all stacked cups are unstacked and all over the place, the same thing with every bowl, plate and all containers. While on the very tip of his toes he opens drawers and then tries to reach in and grab anything his fingers will take hold of. He climbs up onto the couch and then goes over to the side that does not have a wall behind it and proceeds to climb up onto the back of the couch. It nearly gives us all a heart attack, thinking he will fall over the back and onto the tile floor. Luckily there is always a good eye on him and someone will grab him quickly. He loves to empty baskets full of laundry. His favorite is to pull each and every item of clothing out of the laundry basket when they have ALL been folded already. He loves to empty all the toys out of the toy basket. He opens dresser drawers and pulls out every piece of clothing. He gets into my bathroom drawers and cupboards and pulls out all the shampoo, curling/flat irons, brushes, baby wash, hair gels/sprays, Q-tips, cotton balls, extra toothbrush heads and whatever else he can find under the sink and in the drawers. He is a tornado and can cause these messes in 3 seconds so we can hardly blink and before it happens. Will finally put cabinet latches on all the cabinets so we don't have to worry about those anymore. He still gets into all the things that can not be latched. I wonder when he will grow out of this stage.
All four teeth on top are through. Some are just barely broken through enough to feel but not enough to see yet. He was pretty miserable for ten days when they were coming thought- fever and diarrhea and that wasn't fun but now he is back to his HAPPY self again.
He really is the happiest little guy around! When he cries then I know there is really a problem. Even when he pinches a finger or bonks his head he just kinda whimpers and fusses- not really a cry too often. He is so smiley and I just love his little dimples and his cute little giggle.
He is doing much better on walking but still can't walk very far without help. He will hold onto something and then let go and pretty much walk/run/fall to whatever he is trying to get to- like if he is standing at the bathtub and lets go and walks across to the cabinets. He can only make it about 3-4 steps and if it is farther than that then he falls kinda on his face and knees and will crawl the rest of the way. He does best when he lets go and walks to something on his own. If we put him against something and try to get him to walk to us then he doesn't do as well and will fall after 1 or 2 steps, not always but most of the time. When he is standing at the couch he can run all the way around as he holds on the entire time for balance. He will probably be walking full on pretty soon but I can tell he is a bit on the cautious side and isn't rushing anything. Which I am fine with.
We talk about being done having kids. He is such a joy and so much fun, I just can't imagine not having another fun baby to watch do all these things again. And then I get Cash up in the morning and am reminded of the not so fun part of having a baby- the diapers. Cash has the most horrible poopy diaper every single morning. I don't like that part so much. We have had a hard time with finding a formula that doesn't bother him so a lot of his diapers a pretty yucky. We will see if he is able to handle cows milk when he turns one.
He sleeps great. Often he cries in the night, but is still asleep while doing it, and I wonder if he is having bad dreams. I feel so bad but when I go in to console him he doesn't want me to and just stops crying and dives out of my arms for his bed. I have stopped going in when he cries and he usually stops very quickly. He typically will take two good naps each day (2-3 hours each) and will sometimes take an evening nap if it is still a few hours until bed time.
He loves taking baths but because he is so busy I don't let him play for very long. He is constantly trying to swim around, stand up on the edge, and do things that make me so afraid because his balance is off. I just put a small amount of water in and try to make him sit on his bum but as soon as he starts to get either cold or wild then I quickly wash him and get him out.
I hope he is not a wild child. So excited to see how he is at age 2, 3 and 4!!! :) I wonder if I am in for something that I never experienced with any of the other kids!