Thursday, April 4, 2013

Baby Blessing of William Cash Filippone on June 1, 2012

(Grandma Joann took shorthand notes and tried to write it down as best she could remember)

Dear Heavenly Father, by the power and authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood which we hold we come before You to give this baby a name and a blessing. His name is William Cash Filippone.

... a special blessing. Cash, life is going to be built on choices. Choices you will be capable of making with the help of both your immediate family and your ward family. You will be given the guidance necessary to grow strong in the church that will help you to be ready to face all the challenges.

We bless you that your mind and body will grow strong.
Be worthy to hold the Priesthood. ...go on a mission.
After your mission you will finish college and you will get married in the temple to a beautiful wife and have a plentiful family to be able to have the happiness and prosperity Heavenly Father can rain on you.
We bless you with a healthy body that will function as it should.
... soften the pains that come with growing with age.
... family will grow strong in the church.
... go forward and multiply gifts and enjoy blessings.
... bless the kids that you will have.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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