Friday, September 7, 2012


I can't get enough of his kissable cheeks and big blue eyes!
I have the BEST baby ever! The last few nights, and tonight as well, I took Cash in his room, snuggled him on my shoulder and stood and swayed with him as I sang him a few songs. Then I told him "nigh night" and lay him in bed. I walked out and he pretty much just went to sleep. Sometimes he will do this talking/fussing thing but it only lasts for a minute or two and he does it off and on, not continuously. He is really learning to put himself to sleep- on his own, NOT on the boob. I just love it.
It would make him seem like a stinker if I were to mention that he cried for nearly an hour before bed tonight and wouldn't calm down even when Cade or Cloee would hold him. He was super tired and I knew it. I was in the middle of making a new recipe and couldn't walk away from the stove. I held him for a minute or so and he was completely fine. When I gave him back to Cade he just cried and cried. I knew he wanted me to nurse him real quick and put him to bed. I wish he could talk sometimes, although without him talking I still knew what he wanted. I'm really beginning to know what his cries mean and what he is wanting when he is fussing or crying. I get annoyed because Will and the kids just say "here Mom, he wants you." Well he may want me sometimes but the other 75% of the time they could satisfy him- if they only knew what he wanted or wouldn't be so selfish and would just let me give them instructions so Cash would stop crying. Sometimes it is just as easy as changing his diaper.
I am having so much fun with this little guy. I just love every minute. Even those 20 minutes today when he cried the entire way home from the post office :)

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