Sunday, September 16, 2012

Update- about 5 1/2 months

This is just a random picture Cloee took a few days ago
Cash is doing so great. He sleeps good, eats good, and plays rather well. I just noticed that he is really starting to grow. He has been steady thus far but seemed to have plumped up in the last 2 weeks or so. Today I mentioned to Will that he seems pretty hearty. Will said, "Yeah and robust." Then we laughed and commented that Cash isn't tomato soup. I thought of tomato soup when I heard 'hearty and robust'. Not sure why.
He doesn't have his next checkup for a few more weeks so I don't know how much he weighs. Maybe I will put him on the scale here at home one of these days. He has fit in 3 month and 3-6 month clothes just fine for a long time now but is finally starting to bust out of the 3 month clothes and I'm sure it will be soon that I will have to pack away the 3-6 month stuff as well.
When he got his 4 month shots he got a huge knot in his thigh. It started out almost twice the size of a marble. It slowly got smaller, down to a marble size, pea size and now is about half the size of a pea or maybe smaller but it is definitely still there. It has been at least 6 weeks. It makes me so mad. I don't know if it is from the needle or from the immunization fluid. It doesn't seem to bother him anymore but I am definitely going to bring it up to Dr Campbell when we go in a few weeks. The nurse knew it was there within seconds after the injection. She gave him the shot then placed a cotton ball on it and felt it then. She asked me if he welted last time he got shots but I couldn't remember anything too abnormal. I hope she didn't do it in the wrong place or doing it wrong somehow.
Just to look back on and know exactly how good he was at sleeping...
Up until recently he would wake once in the night and just wanted to nurse for a few minutes. I don't think he was ever hungry so I decided he needed to start skipping that feeding. For a few nights when he woke up I would just get him up and put him on my shoulder and stand right by his crib and sing him a few songs. He was mostly fine with that and once or twice tried to inch down to nurse but I just held him on my shoulder and would continue to sing. Then I would put him back in his crib, while he was still partly awake but relaxed, and he would go back to sleep. After about 5 nights of this, I finally stopped going in to get him up and I just let him cry. The first night I just turned the sound on the monitor down while he cried and I watched the red lights when he made noise. He didn't cry very long, off and on for maybe 15 minutes and it wasn't really evening crying, just whining. The next night he woke again but only fussed for a few minutes. He never woke again after that. He has slept through the night for almost a week now. And he has been going to bed between 8:30 and 10:30 (depending on how busy our night is) and wakes between 6:45 and 7:30. Sometimes I wake before him because my boobs are so full and I'm leaking milk. I even went in and woke him up yesterday so he could nurse because I had become so engorged. On the weekends he takes really great naps (3-4 hours), if we are home and he can be in his crib. But during the week when things are busy his naps are often cut short because we take Cloee to dance or preschool every day. On preschool days (M,W, F) we go back home and he can take a nap in his crib but I always have to wake him up when we go pick her up. On dance days (Tues, Thurs) he falls asleep on the way to dance but wakes when we get inside because of all the commotion. I usually stay and watch her dance and he gets really fussy by the time it is over because he is so ready to be sleeping. If we go run errands after preschool or dance then he will sleep in the car until we go inside wherever we are going. He's not good at sleeping while we walk around Target or Fry's. If we just go straight home afterwards then I put him in his crib and he will take a great nap, usually 4 hours. He is VERY adaptable. He pushes through and will eventually get fussy but if we have 2 or 3 days  in a row where we are running errands he will still go right back to taking good naps if given the chance to sleep at home in his bed.
On a great day- a Saturday with nothing to interrupt and nowhere to go- he would wake at 7am and nurse and play. Go back to sleep from 9 until 12:30, sometimes longer. Wake up and eat again, sometimes baby food now that he is starting that and nurse too, then go back to sleep about 2:30 and sleep until 6, sometimes longer. Then nurse, play and maybe eat some more baby food. Then bath or shower with Mommy and then nurse. Then play for about 30 minutes. And then into bed about 9pm. That is a typical day for Cash and his sleep and eat schedule when things are busy and we aren't on the go. Obviously things change a bit when we are out and about and on the go.
He is getting to be a ton of fun to play with. He is starting to have giggles when he laughs. Sometimes no voice comes out still. He still seems to favor Cade quite a bit. Cade is very patient when he gets fussy, unlike Carlee, Cloee, or Daddy. He really tries to make him happy, but usually he has become tired and just wants to go to bed. Everyone loves to make faces at him or tickle him to make him laugh and giggle. He is SUPER ticklish and I just love it.
He can totally roll back and forth and all over. He doesn't sit up well by himself yet. I sit indian style and put him in the bend of my leg and lay him there to feed him baby food and he doesn't like it. He tries to do a sit up. It makes me laugh and I have to press on his chest so he will lay back. I think he just doesn't like laying on his back. He wants to sit up or flip over. He started sleeping on his tummy soon after he learned to roll. Ever since, I have placed him in bed on his tummy and he seems to love it. (Although he still spits up at random times so it worries me that he could be sleeping with his face in spit up. I have found some spots in his bed but he seems to move away from it, so that is a good thing.)
He likes to play with small stuffed toys, can hold little baby toys, and LOVES to squeeze and empty water bottle. He even draws up his feet and holds stuff with both hands and both feet. He still pulls his feet up and sucks on his toes. I love it and think it is so cute.
One thing he has done since very early on (maybe even since birth but I know for sure since 3 months) is chew on his thumb and pointer finger at the same time, usually the left hand. He puts them in the side of his mouth towards the back. He isn't teething back there (for a long time) but just likes to chew on those two fingers. He doesn't suck, just chews. We will see if he grows out of this sometime soon or not.

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